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Advent Newsletter 2024

Updated: Dec 4, 2024

Welcome to the Advent Finches Lane's Newsletter


Thank you so much for being here and for all your support.

I really do appreciate you.


Hello Hello Dear Friends,

This newsletter is a chance for us to have a catch up and for me to let you know what’s been happening over here at the Finches Lane Studio!


There seems to be so much beauty in this Advent season and often in unexpected places. The skies near me have had moments of being so glorious - I hope you have some moments of seeing incredible things.

Each of the moments below has a whole story behind them...

Streaks of clouds radiating on a blue sky
After the storm skies

We had days of grey, stormy weather and then, the day after it blew over this view greeted me early in the morning - it was like a wave goodbye to the wet and gloomy and a herald to some peace.

An evening sly with thin grey clouds undulating horizontally across
Undulating clouds

I was a passenger in the car travelling home one day and as we joined the motorway the sky was painted in the most unusual patterns which lifted the soul and a few moments later they were gone - I felt so grateful to have captured them.

a dark silhouette of a tree lined hedgerow with clouds behind lit up in oranges and yellows from the sun setting
Sunset on a walk

This was the moment of a beautiful sky at the end of a dog walk where we had seen a huge barn owl circling the field in front of us - breathtaking beauty that I was privileged to encounter.

Do let me know what you have seen that has lifted your soul recently.


Crafting at home moments

bunches of dried roses, eucalyptus, lavender and bay leaves laying on a wooded floor
Dried flower collection

My kitchen gets filled over the year with flowers and leaves drying as I can't bare to throw away anything that can be used again - at the end of each year the challenge is to find something to do with each bunch of home-grown or gifted flowers.

This year I saw a video on how to make a dried flower arrangement and decided that I was going to have a go!

Armed with eucalyptus, roses, lavender, dahlias, rosemary, bay leaves and a few extra bits this is what I managed to do!

Not at all perfect as the wire was too loose and the shape was a bit wonky but hey - I've hug it over the window and we will see how long it lasts. Maybe if you pop round, don't sit under it :O)

Its made space for new flowers which is always a win. I have heaps of bay leaves left so I'll make a front door swag thingy for the advent season.

the dried flowers gathered into an arrangement on a curtain pole with string, scissors and measuring tape, surrounded by left over stalks and leaves
Nearly finished arrangement

I also, as the hoarder I am, have collected the cute spice jars which we seem to be rattling through (high cholesterol means no salt - so spices it is!). Painting them in glass paint has been fun especially using some of my patterns as guides. I incorporated the dahlias, the buttercups, the daisy, some wood anemones and the little forget-me-nots.

two rows of square spice jars painted with flowers in black, white, gold and silver
Painted spice jars

If you want to have a sheet that will give you a step by step guide do have a look at this blog as I've uploaded my previous sheets here.


New Inspirations

I have a Myrtle tree growing as a bush in the front of the house and it always gives me such happiness as it flowers for such a long time. Even now in December it's covered in shiny leaves and pinky peach buds. It traditional symblises love, beauty and loyalty It can be used as foliage in Christmas decorations - so I'll let you know how I get on. If you know the best way to use it asa cut flower, do get in touch!

a flowering myrtle bush with little emerald leaves and pink buds with white delicate flowers
Myrtle in flower

It was too pretty not to paint and hopefully the video below will work so you can see the process of painting it before converting it into a pattern for fabrics etc.

branches and leaves drawn in green with peach and pink buds put together in a vertical repeating stripe.
Seemless pattern - Winter Myrtle

The final pattern is ready to be used and is going to be part of a collection that incorporated Winter birds too and is available in the Spoonflower shop.


Now for the Finches Lane news:

I have been surprised at how many things have grabbed my attention this winter. Maybe they always grab me but I have allowed myself to notice them more.

One thing I know I get excited about recently is the gathering of the Starlings. We don’t have a local murmuration any more but we still get groups of these noisy birds!

I seek them out and stand near them so I can let the whistles and squawks fill my head with the plethora of sounds. I find it comforting and relaxing.

different size starling birds drawn to look like the are flying through trees and  placed so the pattern is seedless
Winter Starling Murmuration

This pattern will be part of the Winter collection too. I have created an illustration which also lends itself to putting on the warm hoodie for all the bird watching fans.

A girl wearing her hair in a loose bun walking beside the sea on a rocky shore dressed in a grey hoodie with a circle of starling birds on the front.
Starling Hoodie

Have a look and see what you think of the new design at the Teemill website.


Important Dates you might want to note:

12th December is UK Christmas Jumper day

13th December is free socks with any order - CODE: SOCKY

18th December last UK shipping date for Christmas

What is happening In the NEW YEAR

Wow - it's nearly a new year and all that it will bring!

Little Studio Shop

I will have stock left over from the Christmas Markets and my aim is to make them available for sale on my main website for people to buy.

Do any of you have an Etsy or Folksy shop or even an E-bay store? I'd love to hear of your experiences and why you choose the platform you do.

Send me a link and I'll make sure I advertise them on my social media pages.

Winter Collection

I would love to finish the Starlings and Myrtle pieces so they are cohesive and flow. Watch this space.

Learn how to market more effectively

It's a high mountain to climb but we have climb some high ones on this journey with the help of all of you so we will keep going and remember to enjoy the view as we go!

Do reply if you want have a chat about anything in the newsletters, it is so good to hear from you.  

Thank you for trusting me with your inbox,

Speak soon,


P.S. Do send me photos of anything that has inspired you to create this Advent season or tag me on Instagram :0D

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