It’s been a rather wet February 2024 and the dogs and I have taken to walking the pavements rather than the fields and forests.
It has been unusually fun spotting the wild flowers that are blooming on the edges of the roads.
If you want to join in, the Wild Flower game rules are to take photos of the different flowers you find, decide on its rarity depending on whether you have seen it before, award yourself points and then look it up when you get home. Lastly for bonus fun, change its name if you decide you’ll never remember the real one.
Here are a few I’ve spotted so far …

Wild Primrose (Primula Vulgaris)
Level of difficulty = easy peasy 2 points.
Name change - primula tasteful

Lesser Celandine (Ficaria verna) or Pilewort.
Level of difficulty = easy 5 points.
Name change - I think I’ll just drop the lesser bit and I’d definitely wouldn’t call it pilewort however helpful it has been.

Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris)
Level of difficulty = not that easy 10 points.
Name change - none on account that it spreads fungus to some vegetable crops, that is vulgar.

Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) not to be confused with the unscented dog violet which has different shaped lobes.
Level of difficulty = tricky 50 points.
Name change - maybe just change the o to an a, viola adorata.

Common Whitlowgrass (Erophila verna)
Level of difficulty - 200 points
Name change - think it;s ok as i can just about remember it.

Forget-me-nots or scorpion grasses (Myosotis the Ancient Greek "mouse's ear")
Level of difficulty - 50 points for pink ones 25 for blue ones
Name change - always Forget me nots - never Scorpion Grass
Let me know what you find and how many points plus if you decide to change any of their names and come back later in the year to see how many more I have found.
Tori - Finches Lane